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Veterans Moms Tell All: Advice for Moms-to-Be

In today’s information age, preparing for motherhood can sometimes be an overwhelming and daunting experience. It can be incredibly challenging to find  unbiased information for many topics related to pregnancy, birth, infant care, and the postpartum period, and it seems like just when you think you have the answers you’re seeking, someone in your life…

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The Call for Limiting Ultrasounds During Pregnancy

Fetal ultrasound is a method of viewing a fetus while in the womb. Ultrasound technology uses sound waves, that bounce off the baby’s mass, to produce a picture of the baby. While both the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and the Food and Drug Administration both agree that limiting fetal ultrasound is important,…


5 Amazing Benefits of Placenta Tincture

Did you know that the healing properties of the placenta can be stretched even longer than the postpartum period? Tinctures are potent substances extracted from steeping some of the fresh or powdered placenta. This powerful solution can be used in any time trauma, emotional distress, through sleep deprivation; transitions back to work, or even as…