Why don't humans ingest placenta?
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If Most Mammals Consume Placenta, Why Don’t We?

The placenta, a temporary organ, has a crucial role to play in pregnancy.  It nourishes the fetus, also bringing oxygen and removing waste for the mother’s kidneys to dispose of.  This essential organ also regulates hormone production throughout pregnancy and is responsible for sustaining the pregnancy. The placenta, attached to the baby via the umbilical…

Baltimore babywearing
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Babywearing: Some Unexpected Lessons

Today’s guest blog post comes to your from Paige Barocca of Baltimore Birth Services.  Paige serves the families in our community as a birth doula and a babywearing advocate.  I’ve been an avid babywearer since the birth of my son in 2012. Like choosing the breastfeed, babywearing was just something that I knew I would…

postpartum doula Baltimore
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Why You Should Consider Hiring a Postpartum Doula

  Postpartum mothers need support, especially in a culture that unrealistically expects women to bounce back so quickly after giving birth. As a society, we can be so hard on new mothers. Culturally, new moms often receive messages that there is shame in needing help. This is a huge shift from 100 years ago when…

birth affirmations and quotes
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30 Birth Affirmations and Quotes That Will Inspire You to Rock Your Birth

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was planning a homebirth with a midwife. I trusted my body to give birth and knew I had a phenomenal birth team to support me on that journey. While I was confident in the birth process, the media and people around me weren’t sending me the…

ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness

ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit

Maryland Birth Boot Camp instructors Carmen Calvo and Anna Jozefczyk with board member Kristen Hosaka, DC. This past weekend I had the honor of being asked to represent Birth Boot Camp at the ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in Reston, VA.  Birth Boot Camp supports and promotes chiropractic in pregnancy and postpartum and addresses…

Salt & Protein can reduce risk for preeclampsia
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Salt & Protein Can Reduce Risk for Pre-eclampsia

Eating a whole foods diet, with adequate amounts of protein, and water to thirst, can help alleviate many of the complications women face during pregnancy.  A diet high in protein can help repair and grow muscle, stabilize blood sugar, and can lower a mother’s risk of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Pre-eclampsia, a potentially life threatening…