bed sharing

Sleep Training Considerations Part III: Safe Bed-Sharing

How do I Achieve Safe Bed-Sharing? There’s a helpful La Leche League-designed infographic, here, highlighting the seven key recommendations for keeping bed-sharing safe for baby. The most important of these, in light of what was mentioned above, would be that mother is not under the influence of any substances, including tobacco-use. Due to the physiological…

A dad lays on the sofa with his baby in San Antonio.

Sleep-Training Considerations Part II: Bed-Sharing as an Alternative to Conventional Sleep-Training

As mentioned in the first part of this series, our society tends to work against us in parenting. New mothers are not well-supported by governmental and employment policies. Because of this, the early return-to-work often often leads to total exhaustion and desperation. This, in turn, leads to desperate measures such as allowing baby to cry-it-out…

umbilical cord facts

5 Interesting Facts about the Umbilical Cord

One might think there’s little mystery to the umbilical cord, but it turns out there’s a lot to learn about the lifeline connecting mother and baby. Here are 5 interesting facts about that special life-giving link. Umbilical Cord Forms Shortly after Fertilization Soon after an egg is fertilized, it splits in two, half that becomes…