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15 Facts about the Foreskin and Circumcision

Circumcision, the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis, is most commonly performed on newborns.  With a global circumcision rate of approximately 30%, the United States in the only country in the world that circumcises infant for non-religious reasons. FACTS ABOUT CIRCUMCISION Originally, the goal of circumcision was to desensitize the penis to curb…

New Mothers Are Choosing Placenta Encapsulation To Help Them Breastfeed
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New Mothers Are Choosing Placenta Encapsulation To Help Them Breastfeed

A growing number of mothers are choosing to consume their placenta, in order to have greater breastfeeding success. August is National Breastfeeding Month, a time that highlights the importance of increasing a collaborative effort to support a breastfeeding-friendly landscape. A growing community of mothers are turning to alternative practices like placenta encapsulation, to help them…

placenta encapsulation and GBS
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Is Placenta Encapsulation Safe for GBS+ People?

Is Placenta Encapsulation Safe? Recently, The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) released an alarming single case report, in which a newborn was found to have a recurrent infection of group B Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS, group B strep), that was attributed to the mother’s consumption of placenta capsules. This has many people asking, ‘Is placenta encapsulation…

yoga poses for the pregnant mother
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Yoga Poses for the Pregnant Mother

Written by: Stephanie Misanik Yoga is one of my FAVORITE things to talk about with expecting mommas.  Whether you are an experienced yogi or brand new to the mat, prenatal yoga can be a fantastic tool to help ease moodiness, shortness of breath and swollen ankles often experienced during pregnancy.  It provides you with a…

chiropractic care in Baltimore
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Moms & Babies Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy presents the perfect opportunity for us to evaluate our health and lifestyle practices. Many of us commit to achieving optimum wellness for ourselves and baby. In addition to regular prenatal visits, many moms also consider treatment from a chiropractor. Chiropractic care targets the health of your nervous system, which controls and coordinates virtually all…