
5 Amazing Benefits of Placenta Tincture

Did you know that the healing properties of the placenta can be stretched even longer than the postpartum period? Tinctures are potent substances extracted from steeping some of the fresh or powdered placenta. This powerful solution can be used in any time trauma, emotional distress, through sleep deprivation; transitions back to work, or even as…

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Six Tips For Hiring A Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Are you considering hiring a specialist to encapsulate your placenta? Placenta encapsulation is an awesome process that transforms your baby’s placenta into capsules. You then take your ‘placenta pills’ as a postpartum supplement. Placenta encapsulation can improve your overall postpartum wellness experience, and may help: balance hormones, support lactation and enhance milk supply, replenish iron,…

Is Placenta The Perfect Postnatal Supplement?
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Is Placenta The Perfect Postnatal Supplement?

While pregnant did you take a prenatal supplement? And what about after baby is born; have you considered taking a postnatal vitamin? It is well known that a high quality prenatal supplement can provide you with extra folate, vitamin D, and magnesium to support a healthy pregnancy. Once baby arrives, you may still need additional…

Placenta Encapsulation Services

Placenta Encapsulation: Why it works

March 24, 2013 Jodi Selander, founder and director of Placenta Benefits, recently wrote a terrific article discussing the reasoning behind using placenta for postpartum recovery.  The article addresses which hormones and components are contained in the placenta and how losing these components can impact a mother’s postpartum experience.  By reintroducing those hormones into new mothers…